Day 164 - 26 Sep 95 - Page 04

     2   MR. MORRIS:  Nutrition H5, that is, general witness statements.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you know what H4 was?
     6   MR. MORRIS:  I have no idea.  I think that is in the -----
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, never mind.
    10   MR. MORRIS:  Is there a gap with H4?
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am merely looking in my index; I am not
    13        looking in the actual bundle.  I have two from Neil Barnard
    14        and one from Stephen Gardener.  If I actually look in the
    15        bundle there probably is a fourth, but leave that for the
    16        moment.  I will check the supplementary list of 28th
    17        January.
    19   MR. MORRIS:  That was the references that he provided that
    20        I served yesterday.  I think should go into the
    21        supplementary list in the nutrition section.  Then document
    22        (6), George Hanniker translation.  That should just go
    23        behind his Civil Evidence Act statement, G7 general file,
    24        general witness file, and then employment witness file,
    25        Chantal Villeneuve-Gallez, I think, is A32.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have it at B11, but it does not matter.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  I think you have it down as a Civil Evidence Act
    30        Notice.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    34   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  The next one, document 7, Anthony Brian, is
    35        something that was actually in the Plaintiffs' documents
    36        served in pink XIII B, tab 61, page 1,128 as part of the
    37        general tab about his being sacked and taking to the Labour
    38        Court for discrimination against unions, union activists.
    39        We are putting a Civil Evidence Act Notice on that document
    40        because it is a signed statement from him about his case.
    41        I suggest it goes at the back of the employment Civil
    42        Evidence -----
    44   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That will become section B16.
    46   MR. MORRIS:  B16.  Then document 8 is two sworn affidavits, one
    47        from Michael Soriano and one from Bryant Cunningham who
    48        were both employees at the Chicago McDonald's that was the
    49        subject of the union drive that we have heard about in
    50        1978, I believe it was.  So they should be at the back of 
    51        the employment Civil Evidence Act Notices. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  17 and 18.  Amongst those there are several
    54        pages in longhand.
    56   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, that is Mike Soriano.  I do not have them in
    57        front of me.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  All I say is I find it extremely difficult to
    60        read.  If you want me to make sense of it, you have to

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