Day 165 - 27 Sep 95 - Page 04

     1        I am aware of this general statement here and, therefore,
     2        in so far as any enquiry agent says that he saw either
     3        Ms. Steel or Mr. Morris with a copy of this leaflet in hand
     4        or discussing this leaflet, I anticipate that that will be
     5        challenged, but what I do not know is whether the other
     6        matters which one can anticipate the enquiry agents will
     7        speak to, where it is said that either Ms. Steel or
     8        Mr. Morris said this or that in relation to McDonald's, or
     9        an anti-McDonald's fair and so on, all of which is, as
    10        I understand it, the Plaintiffs rely on to build up a
    11        picture, whether that is disputed or not at the moment.
    13   MS. STEEL:  The answer to that is obviously, yes, certainly we
    14        will be disputing.  I mean, we may not be disputing
    15        everything they say, but there are quite considerable parts
    16        that we will be disputing.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have absolutely no notice of that in either
    19        your statement or Mr. Morris'.
    21   MS. STEEL:   I have given you one example.  We have not finished
    22        preparing cross-examination, obviously, because we have
    23        only just got these new notes etc., but I have given one
    24        example of a blatantly obvious dispute between the two
    25        parties based on the notes that one of these witnesses says
    26        that they made after the meeting and which, obviously, we
    27        dispute are an accurate record of what took place.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I merely note now that at the moment in the
    30        statements there is not anything which says:  "I did not
    31        say this, or that or the other as spoken to by the enquiry
    32        agent", unless you point me to it.
    34   MS. STEEL:  I do not understand.  I have just given you an
    35        example.  That is something that was directly said by an
    36        enquiry agent.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where is it in your statement?  I have the
    39        point about:  "I have never at any meeting or anywhere else
    40        stated that I assisted with the production and distribution
    41        of the leaflet".
    43   MS. STEEL:  Yes.  That is a statement made by one of the enquiry
    44        agents that I said that.
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  They make many, many statements.  We were
    47        looking at some of them yesterday, were we not?  If what
    48        you are saying is:  "Well, we have not had time to prepare
    49        additional statements dealing with the specific allegations
    50        which are made in the enquiry agent" ----- 
    52   MS. STEEL:   Are you saying that I should have said:  "As 
    53        alleged by the enquiry agent"?
    55   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.
    57   MS. STEEL:  Because, as far as I can see -- I am sorry, I do not
    58        understand the difference.
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We looked yesterday at various paragraphs of

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