Day 170 - 05 Oct 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Friday, 6th October 1995.
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, Mrs. Norris is here, but before she gives
     4        evidence there are some few words I should like to say to
     5        your Lordship.  Can I first pass up two letters exchanged
     6        yesterday, one from Mr. Morris mid-day and one sent by fax
     7        and one faxed back by us at quarter to 3 in the afternoon.
     9        I just ask your Lordship to read those without any comment
    10        from me at the moment, so I can tell your Lordship where we
    11        have got to.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes
    15   MR. RAMPTON:  I do not know if your Lordship has read our
    16        response?
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have read that.  I got a copy of that
    19        yesterday.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, the position is this, naturally enough
    22        because we want to get on with the case, as soon as we got
    23        Mr. Morris' fax we put enquiries in hand to see if we could
    24        speak to Mrs. Norris about these matters, see if she knew
    25        anything about them.  She was out yesterday and we were
    26        unable to get hold of her yesterday though we left messages
    27        here and there and, through no fault of her own because she
    28        knew nothing about it, we did not make contact with her
    29        until this morning.
    31        The position is this, that though she has some recollection
    32        of knowing about, having heard of, some of these alleged
    33        accidents, she has no direct knowledge of them at all.
    34        Whether one infers from that they happened before her time,
    35        she, your Lordship will remember, went to Epsom in 1989,
    36        I do not know, but the fact is at the moment we are in no
    37        position, quite obviously, to deal with these allegations.
    39        One of the reasons for that is that we simply do not have
    40        sufficient detail in particular in relation to dates and
    41        names, dates particularly, to enable us to scout these
    42        things out and see if there is anything in it at all.
    44        In those circumstances, I would invite your Lordship to say
    45        that the Defendants should not ask Mrs. Norris anything
    46        about these accidents, excepts perhaps to ask her whether
    47        she has any direct evidence to give about them and leave it
    48        there.  Meanwhile, if we get the further details that we
    49        have asked for, then we can take steps to be in a position
    50        to cross-examine Miss O'Riordon about them when she comes 
    51        to give evidence, and to make whatever discovery may follow 
    52         -- I say may follow -- from the allegations when they are 
    53        properly particularised.
    55        Unless and until I know that it is alleged that all or any
    56        of these accidents was the fault of McDonald's rather than
    57        any employee themselves, I would not propose, unless your
    58        Lordship directs me otherwise, to make any discovery.
    59        There is plenty of time -- I do not know but it looks as
    60        though Miss O'Riordon may even be in court now -- for the

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