Day 171 - 11 Oct 95 - Page 02

     1                                      Wednesday, 11th October, 1995
     3   MR. MORRIS:  I think it is exactly the same material; it is just
     4        that there was a suggestion -----
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is just going into number VII, so that
     7        I can realise what it is.  Thank you.  In fact, since we
     8        were last in court together, I have received some further
     9        documents, and I would like to know where to put those in
    10        now.
    12   MR. RAMPTON:  Are they from us, my Lord, because if they
    13        are -----
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL: The first one -- in fact, having said since we
    16        were last here, I think Mr. Morris has handed in a small
    17        bundle.
    19   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The first was a statement described by
    22        Mr. Morris as the statement of Jeffrey Juliano; and the
    23        first thing to know is where that should go.
    25   MR. MORRIS:  Civil Evidence Act.  It is Advertising.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Advertising, Civil Evidence Act?
    29   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Then I said that I did not have the Reuters
    32        newspaper report, and Mr. Morris was going to get a copy.
    33        Then, when I looked more closely, I found I did have it.
    34        But where do you want me to put that?
    36   MR. MORRIS:  That is also a Civil Evidence Act Notice, and that
    37        is also Advertising.
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Then there was the letter from Mr. Reed
    40        Milsaps of McDuff and Milsaps.  Unless someone has a better
    41        idea, I have my own file which I have, in order to
    42        encourage myself, labelled "law" in my room; and what
    43        I propose to do is just put that in there for the moment.
    45   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  I have left my notebook at home, but there
    46        was a reference to it, if I could just track it down, on
    47        day 123, from memory.  Let me just find the reference.
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, there is no need for a reference.
    50        I remember clearly Mr. Morris putting it, at any rate, to 
    51        Mr. Beavers, and perhaps to other witnesses -- it may even 
    52        be Mr. Preston, I do not know -- that McDonald's could not 
    53        sue in the United States on this pamphlet.  I took leave to
    54        doubt the accuracy of that information.  Beyond that,
    55        though, much more important is the question of whether it
    56        had any bearing at all on anything your Lordship has to
    57        decide in this case.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is why I was suggesting I just put it in
    60        my own "law" file, because I will know where it is if the

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