Day 173 - 16 Oct 95 - Page 13
1 Q. So, between you and the store management, there was
2 nothing?
3 A. That is correct.
5 Q. Right. How many store managers were there: just one for
6 each store?
7 A. Yes, that is correct.
9 Q. Below them, how many managers were there?
10 A. Well, I cannot recollect exactly, but there probably
11 would have been approximately three or four.
13 Q. At each store?
14 A. At each restaurant, yes.
16 Q. Does that include floor managers, or is that just the first
17 and second assistants?
18 A. No. I would think, from memory, that would have been
19 the total number.
21 Q. The total number; so it would include floor managers?
22 A. Well, I cannot recollect.
24 Q. Or did you have them?
25 A. I cannot recollect exactly what category of managers we
26 had. We had a restaurant manager and we had some other
27 managers.
29 Q. So that includes everyone that you considered to be in a
30 management position?
31 A. Yes.
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can I just find out -- the operating licence
34 which I have, the Pantry Franchise, behind Mr. Stein,
35 signed by Mr. Sullivan, President of Pantry Franchise
36 Ireland Limited, it is difficult to see the date, but it
37 looks as if it is 7th January, 1985. It has a "received
38 15th January 1985" stamp on it.
39 A. I have a business partner, Mr. Sullivan. Perhaps it
40 might be his signature.
42 Q. Yes. But there was an original franchise agreement?
43 A. At the inception?
45 Q. Yes.
46 A. The start -- yes
48 Q. Was that 1976 or 1977?
49 A. I cannot recollect exactly. I think it possibly was
50 1977.
52 Q. It probably does not matter, but we have been talking of
53 1976 and you said 1977 in your statement. But it was one
54 or the other, probably 1977, was it?
55 A. The first restaurant opened in 1977.
57 Q. Yes.
58 A. It seemed to go with that.
60 MR. MORRIS: Can you get a bundle down, if you can find it? It