Day 175 - 18 Oct 95 - Page 12

     1        effect of reducing wastage counts/costs.  I also noticed
     2        this practice when I visited the Nottingham store
     3        recently."
     5        You live in Nottingham now, do you?
     6        A.  That is right.
     8   Q.   Is that paragraph a true record of your experience?
     9        A.  Definitely, yes.
    11   Q.  "After leaving McDonald's employ, I had gastric problems.
    12        I had been used to eating primarily McDonald's free food
    13        for the six months I was full-time.  We would eat as much
    14        as we could.  For me, it was compensation for low pay and
    15        to save money.  However, when I left, I tried to eat
    16        healthier food and my stomach/body was not used to it - to
    17        fibre.  I got the runs.  I also felt a real physical
    18        craving to continue with McDonald's food, but I have not
    19        eaten it since."
    21        Is there anything there which you would change?
    22        A.  No.
    24   Q.   So that is a true, accurate record ---
    25        A.  It is, yes.
    27   Q.   -- of your experience?  I would like to go through and ask
    28        the witness to explain what he means in his statement.
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mr. Rampton, I want to hear what Mr. Morris
    31        has to say and I want to ask him some questions.
    33   MR. RAMPTON:  I thought your Lordship wanted me to find the
    34        ruling, which I have done.  That was all.
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, but come back to that in that moment
    37        though when your turn comes.  Is there a McDonald's witness
    38        with regard to such -----
    40   MR. RAMPTON:  No.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You really have to think what you are going
    43        to do, you know, quite apart from anything else.
    45   MR. MORRIS:  I am going to ask the witness, if I am allowed to,
    46        to explain what he means in his statement and the specific
    47        things that he says.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Certainly, if there is any doubt about it,
    50        you can do that.  But what I am anxious about -- I will be 
    51        completely candid with you -- is you will say:  "Explain 
    52        about that", and it will not be an explanation of what it 
    53        means, because what it means is totally clear from the
    54        statement; but that you are asking for some more detail,
    55        perhaps the mention of a name or some dates and things like
    56        that, when, if you had given that, McDonald's might have
    57        said:  "Oh, well, if we had known that we would have
    58        approached that person and by now had a statement in
    59        answer", which is exactly what I want to avoid.

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