Day 187 - 13 Nov 95 - Page 07
1 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Where does that appear in his statement?
3 MR. MORRIS: The hierarchy is on B2.
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Where in his written statement does that
6 appear?
8 MR. MORRIS: It is related to the -- well, it is related to the
9 petition, because in his paragraph, I think it is 6, of his
10 English translation of his statement, he talks about
11 petition amongst the employees. Well, he says: "The
12 Management refused to take notice of those serious problems
13 and I decided to circulate the petition amongst the
14 employees." There are two things: one is, how did
15 McDonald's and the Management refuse to take notice of
16 these serious problems; and what is the character of the
17 petition? So here, just in front of him, he can say, "Yes,
18 this is the petition; it had this character. I did write
19 to X, Y, Z and they fobbed me off", or whatever he is going
20 to say -- because that is the only way to understand why
21 the whole situation led to so many legal cases against the
22 stores. The letters to McDonald's France are -----
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What answer do you expect Mr. Lamti to give
25 to that?
27 MR. MORRIS: He would just explain that: "Yes" -- for
28 example -- "this B3 is a letter I wrote on 18th May 1993,
29 to the President of McDonald's France."
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Where is that in his statement, you see, or
32 in the extra notes you have?
34 MR. MORRIS: That specific letter was not mentioned in the
35 statement, but it is part of the process where he attempted
36 to complain or seek responses from McDonald's France. The
37 letter on B4 is a reply by George Brown (who is a witness
38 in this case) with quite an important sentence in it; and
39 I was going to ask him just to explain what that sentence
40 was.
42 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No. I am sorry. You can take him through
43 his -- you can put in his statement, which has been served
44 for a very long time; you can ask him about the matters
45 which are in the supplementary statement; but I am not
46 having any extra evidence. I gave a very clear ruling on
47 this some time ago. Now, you must abide by that.
49 MR. MORRIS: I just think that it is helpful in terms of getting
50 at the truth -- which is the whole purpose of us being
51 here -- that important documents, at least Mr. Lamti can
52 explain, even if the document is not relied on, he can just
53 say: "I wrote to George Brown, Vice President of Human
54 Resources, and he replied, you know, what their position
55 was."
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am sorry. That is my ruling, Mr. Morris.
58 You must follow it. Have his statement put in, ask him
59 about the matters which are on the note of extra topics;
60 and there, in accordance with my previous ruling, it must