Day 191 - 24 Nov 95 - Page 13

     1        originals of the documents we have disclosed which is all
     2        the Defendants are entitled to.  Mrs. Brinley-Codd and
     3        I have both been through that file independently and it
     4        contains nothing relating to the RCDs and Mr. Morris has to
     5        live with that fact.
     7   MR. MORRIS:  I want to know if it contains nothing because
     8        nothing was actually put in the document, in the file ---
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is another matter.
    12   MR. MORRIS:  -- or whether the pages have been removed.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You have to accept what Mr. Rampton has said
    15        since he has said he checked it.  What comment you want to
    16        make arising from that is entirely a matter for you.
    18   MR. MORRIS:  With respect, I accept that the documents are no
    19        longer in that file.  I would just like to see if those
    20        documents have actually been removed or whether they never
    21        existed, which he may be able to tell from having the
    22        original file.  For example, if the numbering system is
    23        such or whether it is a solid file but some pages have been
    24        torn out, etcetera, etcetera.  I think that is quite
    25        reasonable request which the Plaintiffs, obviously, would
    26        have no grounds on refusing.  It would help the court to
    27        identify the matter that is in dispute.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What do you say about that, Mr. Rampton?
    31   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, frankly -- I am trying to be polite -- it
    32        is not right.  Not only does the file not contain material
    33        which Mr. Morris wished it did, it is not a file in the
    34        sense it is a bound file.  It is not a file from which
    35        pages can be torn out.  It is a loose leaf file with
    36        distinct sections.  There is no indication that documents
    37        of the kind that Mr. Morris wants to see ever were or ever
    38        would have been in that file.
    40        Mrs. Brinley-Codd tells me, having taken instructions from
    41        her clients, that if such documents ever existed they would
    42        not have been in that file anyway.
    44   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am not prepared to make any further order
    45        for discovery than I have done.  If you want to ask
    46        questions when witnesses come -----
    48   MR. RAMPTON:  Mr. Richards is probably going to come back and
    49        other witnesses from Bath.  Mr. Morris can ask as many
    50        questions as he likes. 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  Can we assume then that if the order was clearly 
    53        for the disclosure of those documents, that the Plaintiffs
    54        are under an obligation, if they have those documents --
    55        they are obviously relevant -- the fact that they may not
    56        be in the service file would still mean that they are under
    57        an obligation to disclose them, if they exist.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  They are under an obligation to disclose any
    60        of the documents which I said should be disclosed at the

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