Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 04
1 obviously, I would go for a drink with and that type of
2 thing. I was too friendly with them for the management
3 style that they wanted me to adopt.
5 Q. We will try to keep this as brief as possible.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I would do; I am very conscious that I have
8 not counted them up in detail, but there must be about
9 nine witnesses on both sides in relation to Colchester and
10 if the Plaintiffs have leave to call additional witnesses,
11 we are going to be at least a dozen -- I have a grip of
12 the main issues and any judge, I hope, is intellectually
13 honest in looking at the more refined points, but does to
14 some extent rely upon the impression made by witnesses and
15 the general feel of the whole evidence.
17 So, once you have got the main points from your witness,
18 we can get on so we get through all the witnesses with as
19 much expedition as possible. So you need not feel
20 insecure about missing some point of detail which, at the
21 end of the day, may or may not help.
23 MR. MORRIS: It may make this much quicker if I can just ask
24 the witness to note something without asking him to
25 comment, and then I can ask him a question: "Bearing in
26 mind all those things that you have noted, have you any
27 comment?" Do you see what I am saying, rather than asking
28 him for each particular ----
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Take your own course, but bear in mind what
31 I have said. Try to relax a bit about whether you may be
32 letting some detail pass or not.
34 MR. MORRIS: Just on page 15 at the top, can we note that the
35 first sentence: "Over the last month I have seen and been
36 advised that your attitude is a credit to the store and
37 the Company. I believe this has been through goals and
38 objectives set by Mark Davis". This was the view of Frank
39 Stanton, yes?
40 A. That is correct, yes.
42 Q. 17, at the top, the last line of the first incomplete
43 paragraph: "You should be aware that by saving a half per
44 cent here and a 10th of a per cent there, the overall
45 decrease in expenditure will be significant". Is that
46 always the Company's position, as far as you know?
47 A. Always under pressure to actually make that little bit
48 extra, push it that little bit more.
50 Q. In that same page under the word: "General", "I have
51 found your willingness not only to accept a change of
52 Supervisor, but also a change in methods and opinions,
53 healthy and conducive to a good, strong team situation in
54 the store". What was he saying there?
55 A. Well, basically, my willingness to actually do what
56 was expected and carry out tasks I was ordered to do or
57 asked to do or told to do, sort of towing the line that
58 they wanted to go.
60 Q. Did that willingness to tow the line, as you said,