Day 197 - 07 Dec 95 - Page 11

       1      above the target percentage, whereas with the cost ---
       2      A.  That is it.
       4 Q.   -- it is important to get below the -----
       5      A.  The pressure was really sort of put on me, not only
       6      because everyone wanted to achieve it for monetary, but it
       7      was because that carrot was actually dangled, they wanted
       8      it to actually work, so we were set this ------
      10 Q.   So this region here -- I have not checked every one but
      11      you said that you have checked them and that everyone was
      12      above?
      13      A.  Every one either matched or was above that went
      14      through.
      16 Q.   Above their targets ---
      17      A.  Yes.
      19 Q.   -- on profits?  He says in this letter, this is the
      20      Regional Manager:  "I feel that in some months the eyes of
      21      the Company will be on us".  What does that mean to you?
      22      A.  Well, because this was something that was only
      23      happening in our area, the rest of the Company were
      24      looking to see how it was going to work, whether it would
      25      go straight across the Company.  So, we were all under
      26      quite a lot of pressure at this time to achieve these
      27      figures or better them.
      29 Q.   Right.  It says:  "Questions will, doubtless, be asked
      30      about the wisdom of pursuing a profit rather than a top
      31      line sales goal".  So, is that what was happening then,
      32      that he was pursuing a profit rather than a top line sales
      33      goal for that region.
      34      A.  For that particular time------
      36 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, you have to read the next sentence.
      38 MR. MORRIS:  And the answer to that -- well, was that what he
      39      was doing?
      40      A.  What was happening is the amount of money coming in
      41      was dropping, customer count was dropping, at that time,
      42      but they wanted to maintain the profit level.  So we were
      43      looking to be shrewd about Managers at that time because
      44      the increases were not actually coming through the door.
      46 Q.    The answer to these questions about the wisdom of
      47      pursuing a profit rather than a top line sales goal would
      48      be that our goal needed to maximise top line sales and
      49      optimise bottom line profit"?
      50      A.  Yes.
      52 MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It does say at the end:  "Pursuit of top 
      53      line sales is paramount, but its costs have to be
      54      controlled".  When "the eyes of the Company will be on
      55      us", you were really saying you thought people would be
      56      watching to see if you could keep it up; is there more to
      57      it than that?
      58      A.  Basically, to see whether it would be successful
      59      because what they were actually doing for the first time
      60      was not just putting pressure on to hit sales, they would

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