Day 206 - 22 Jan 96 - Page 22

     2   MR. RAMPTON:  Not to the substance, no.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Are you content just that I read that and
     5        take it as evidence?
     7   MR. MORRIS:  I would like to read it out.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Read it out now and then we will not forget
    10        it.
    12   MR. MORRIS:  OK.  The statement of Corey Mainprize, Orangeville,
    13        Ontario, November 6th, 1995:  "I am a waiter at the Glen
    14        Cross restaurant, Orangeville.  On or about the second week
    15        of September 1995, Cam Ballantyne, who I recognised as the
    16        owner of the local McDonald's store, entered the Glenn
    17        Cross dining room for dinner with four to five colleagues.
    18        Right away it was obvious this was not just a personal
    19        meeting.
    21        I served them all.  They stayed for about two hours.
    22        I clearly overheard a total of about 10 to 15 minutes of
    23        conversation.
    25        They were collectively discussing McDonald's business and
    26        Marketing ideas and strategy.  They were clearly from
    27        McDonald's in senior positions.
    29        I first overheard some marketing talk including, 'We need
    30        to do something about lunch specials as Tim Horton's doing
    31        it - we need something on the same lines', et cetera.
    33        They then talked about McDonald's in Ottawa.  Cam's
    34        colleagues were questioning him about a situation in a
    35        store there - it seemed that some of his colleagues were
    36        from that store, and were asking for his advice on what to
    37        do about attempts there to organise a trade union:
    38         'Someone's trying to organise a union'.  'We want to stop
    39        it now before it gets to the media'.  'You (Cam) have dealt
    40        with this before .. you know a lot about it'.  Cam said:
    41         'You should definitely clear it up before it comes to the
    42        media'.
    44        Cam and the other men said they would like to try and
    45        establish a task force of people who'd dealt with Sarah",
    46        and I have added "Inglis" because I checked that with the
    47        witness, "before and who knew how to deal with such a
    48        situation.  Cam said:  'If the media or the public gets
    49        hold of this information that will only make things
    50        worse'. 
    52        These pieces of this conversation were heard clearly as I 
    53        was standing next to the table.  I don't recall much
    54        else".  Signed, Corey Mainprize.  Added:  "Statement made
    55        for the purposes of the UK McDonald's libel case".  Then I
    56        have added after conversation with Corey Mainprize:  "NB,
    57        I told Sarah Inglis of this conversation immediately
    58        afterwards, informing her of what was said".
    60   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, next comes Mr. Alimi's further

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