Day 251 - 17 May 96 - Page 10
1 some areas of dense forest and some areas of less dense
2 tropical forest and a few areas of savannah.
4 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause, please. When was that, in the
5 early 70s?
6 A. In the early 70s. I travelled there, well, I, in fact,
7 went back, this trip to Acre, I had been travelling there
8 since the early 1970s, but I did not stop for long periods
9 in Rondonia.
11 MR. MORRIS: As regards the immediate area around upon Pontes e
12 Lacerda, and note there is an area of agricultural activity
13 identified which is the dotted areas within that green
14 swathe, at the southern end of that green swathe,
15 apparently carved out of that area. But that area, in that
16 immediate area, around that area, the vegetation that you
17 described just now, does that apply to that area around
18 there?
19 A. Yes. When I first went to Rondonia -- I was looking
20 back in my diaries -- I remember it as a densely forested
21 state.
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Mr. Morris is asking you specifically though
24 about the areas about Pontes e Lacerda. He has a specific
25 reason for that which need not trouble you, but that is why
26 he asked you about Pontes e Lacerda specifically?
27 A. I can remember Pontes e Lacerda; I can remember it as a
28 forested area. I would not like to say absolutely 100 per
29 cent forested. As I recall, there were some areas of
30 savannah there, but when I first went there, the vast
31 majority was heavily forested area of what one could call
32 tropical forest.
34 MR. MORRIS: You say when you first went there, what was it like
35 by the mid 1980s?
36 A. By the mid 1980s, the whole, the vast majority of the
37 state of Rondonia had been devastated.
39 Q. That would apply, would it, to the area around Pontes e
40 Lacerda?
41 A. That would apply particularly to the area around, more
42 to the south, in the state of Rondonia.
44 Q. I think if we can just leave the map now for a while? We
45 may look at the other map with more towns on.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: When you say "cattle companies", as you do in
48 two places at least, I have noticed on the first page of
49 your statement, what do you mean by "cattle companies"?
50 A. Could you actually point out?
52 Q. Yes, in the second paragraph, the penultimate line, "...
53 the pace of destruction by the cattle companies", then you
54 say Bordon was one of the most -- in the middle of the next
55 paragraph, "... the advertising campaign to attract cattle
56 companies"?
57 A. Yes, I am talking largely about companies, Brazilian
58 companies, that have activities that may be in very
59 different economic areas in the south of Brazil or in the
60 most industrially developed area of Brazil around San Paulo