Day 252 - 20 May 96 - Page 03

     1   Q.   For reasons, Professor Naismith, which presently do not
     2        matter, the part of your report which his Lordship has said
     3        you should give evidence about begins on page 6 in the
     4        middle of the page with the heading "Diet and
     5        Cardiovascular Disease"?
     6        A.   Yes.
     8   Q.   Running through to the bottom of page 8 under the heading
     9        "Obesity", and then on page 11 the section "Fibre and
    10        Cardiovascular Disease"?
    11        A.   Yes.
    13   Q.   And the concluding remarks on page 12.
    15   MR. MORRIS:  Can I just say, I think it was just paragraph 5 on
    16        page 11 which you originally --
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   No.  I meant it to be the section 35 on
    19        cardiovascular disease which, in fact, has 3 paragraphs.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:   Which is that I have marked, my Lord, yes.
    23   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Then, I have something which I want to raise
    24        about it, and then the last paragraph, on--
    26   MR. RAMPTON:   On page 12, is it?
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Yes.  The only thing that has occurred to me
    29        since is that whether in order to make sense of those parts
    30        Professor Naismith ought to be allowed to refer, if he
    31        wishes, to table 2.  I mean, that may be common ground
    32        anyway, since he refers to fibre and cardiovascular
    33        disease, at the paragraph at the foot of page 11 of "Fibre
    34        and McDonald's Food".  The reason I raise that is not as a
    35        gateway to introducing more general evidence but just so
    36        that we can see what the raw materials are upon which he is
    37        working when he is referring to percentages of fat or fibre
    38        or salt and so on.
    41   MR. RAMPTON:   Yes.  Well, I am grateful.
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Is there any objection to that?
    45   MS. STEEL:  I would have thought the easier course would be to
    46        remove from the concluding remark the parts which do not
    47        relate to the area where Mr. Naismith was allowed to give
    48        evidence, i.e. Cardiovascular disease.
    50   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   There is no difficulty with that.  The last 
    51        paragraph, the part which I thought it right that Professor 
    52        Naismith ought to give evidence on, would remove from the 
    53        last paragraph "and some forms of cancer."   Those words.
    54        Not that it matters because Dr Arnott is going to give
    55        evidence, but I am on a different point at the moment which
    56        is whether Mr. Rampton, you feel, in order to give meaning
    57        to the parts which relate to cardiovascular disease one
    58        needs to see what Professor Naismith was talking about, was
    59        considering, namely his particular meal with the particular
    60        ingredients and percentages which he put into table 2.

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