Day 254 - 22 May 96 - Page 02
1 Wednesday, 22nd May, 1996
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have found my complete copy of the World
4 Health Organisation Report, and it was in orange 4 right at
5 the very back.
7 MR. MORRIS: Right.
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: For future reference, there were 24 word
10 references for Dr. Arnott to which number 25 "ready" and
11 number 26 "The WHO Report" were added.
13 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, Dr. Arnott is here if I may recall him.
15 Dr. Sidney Arnott, Recalled:
16 Examined by Mr. Rampton QC:
18 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, what we have done is we have put Dr.
19 Arnott's new report behind his earlier one in a new tab 12
20 of yellow 5. We have put behind that the two papers which
21 were at tabs 7 and 8 of Professor Naismith's file, which
22 are the two papers referred to in Dr. Arnott's further
23 report.
25 Dr. Arnott, can I ask you what you in front of you, please?
26 A. My medical report.
28 Q. You have your medical report. There should be a file
29 there, and I would like you to look back a bit just to
30 identify a couple of papers. If you first, please, take
31 your further report, just glance at it. It should be about
32 12 pages long, is it, 11 and a half, ends on page 12?
33 A. Yes, that is correct.
35 Q. Have you made that report for the purpose of these
36 proceedings?
37 A. Yes, I have.
39 Q. Are you content that that report should stand as your
40 evidence-in-chief in this case?
41 A. Yes, I am.
43 Q. Thank you. Can you just look, please, at page 3, the third
44 paragraph. You have written:
46 "One particularly important study appears in the New
47 England Journal in February 1996."
49 At the back of that file you should find a paper from the
50 New England Journal of Medicine dated 8th February 1996 by
51 Hunter and others, many others, headed: "Cohort Studies of
52 Fat Intake and the Risk of Breast Cancer, A Full Analysis";
53 is it there?
54 A. Yes, it is.
56 Q. Is that the paper to which you refer in your latest report?
57 A. Yes, it is.
59 Q. Then, if you would not mind, please, turn to page 6 of your
60 latest report. In the second paragraph, you write: