Day 254 - 22 May 96 - Page 04

     1        A.  Yes, I do, thank you.
     3   Q.   The first paragraph reads:
     5        "Since my last report, the strength of belief of the
     6        direct relationship between diet and development of certain
     7        forms of cancer has become less strong."
     9        Are you referring there to your strength of belief or
    10        whose?
    11        A.  I tried to word that sentence very carefully, because
    12        it is only related to certain forms of cancer, and the two
    13        cancers that I am concentrating on, as far as this
    14        particular situation is concerned, are cancers of the
    15        breast and large bowel.  What I am referring to is really
    16        what the scientific community and the medical community,
    17        who actually have to try to give advice to patients, feel
    18        about the relationship between diet and cancer of the
    19        breast and cancer of the large bowel.
    21   Q.   If you are not just referring to yourself, what is that
    22        based upon?
    23        A.  Right.  If you go back in time to the time that I gave
    24        my original report, I pointed out that in the 1960s when
    25        people were looking at variations in dietary habit
    26        throughout the world, it seemed that if you looked at the
    27        evidence that was presented at that time more than 80 per
    28        cent of the variations of the incidents of breast cancer
    29        and large bowel cancer could be explained by dietary
    30        measures, diet, dietary variations throughout the world.
    32        Now, I think to put that into context, this was around
    33        about the time that the results of the British doctors
    34        studies on smoking and lung cancer had come out, and it
    35        was, I think, naturally believed that people were fired
    36        with enthusiasm at the time, and I think it was naturally
    37        believed then that we might be able to find as clear cut a
    38        relationship between dietary variations and, say, breast
    39        cancer and large bowel cancer as one had found between
    40        cigarette smoking and lung cancer.
    42        What has happened since then, of course, is that as soon as
    43        people have tried to investigate that relationship in more
    44        detail and carry out numerous studies, rather than having
    45        consistent results, as one found in the relationship
    46        between smoking and lung cancer, one has begun to find that
    47        not all the studies actually give the same direction of
    48        results:  Some say there may be a relationship; some
    49        studies say, well, there is no clear relationship; and some
    50        studies have actually positively said that there is no 
    51        relationship. 
    53        So, I think that is what has made people become more
    54        suspicious, I do not really mean 'suspicious', but more
    55        critical of the original concepts that the situation was
    56        going to be clear cut.  I think people are now, in the
    57        scientific community, where one has to rely on scientific
    58        evidence, becoming much more circumspect by saying there is
    59        clear relationship between diet and cancer.

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