Day 258 - 07 Jun 96 - Page 10

     1   MS. STEEL:  Right.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  The problem is that the clean hygienic figures add
     4        up to more than 100 even without the lapsed category.
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  They have got some people who are less than
     7        light.  But does it really need this degree of
     8        exploration?  If you have a specific point on this then put
     9        it to Mr. Fairgrieve, he may agree with it.
    11   MS. STEEL:   It is just that of the total numbers of people that
    12        are responding as still being users in terms of heavy
    13        medium and light, the heavy actually makes up 34 per cent
    14        of the people who have been surveyed.  The total of heavy,
    15        medium and light is 294, and heavy was 100 and one which is
    16        13 per cent -- sorry, 34 per cent.
    17        A.  That is certainly the case.  But the people that we
    18        interviewed for this particular study are McDonald's
    19        users.  The recruiting criteria is McDonald's users.  We
    20        established in our discussions yesterday the importance of
    21        heavy users for McDonald's, so we would quota more heavily
    22        on heavy and medium users in any sample of this sort so
    23        that we get a good read on our existing user base.  We have
    24        actually specified who we wanted here, we have not just
    25        taken a random sample for this research.
    27   Q.   So, it would not surprise you that in here 34 per cent of
    28        those surveyed were heavy users?
    29        A.  No, I would expect it, given the criteria we normally
    30        set for a piece of ad hoc research on our own users.
    31        I think in the previous versions of the document -- they
    32        are actually contained here -- the sampling criteria are
    33        actually set out.
    35   MR. MORRIS:  If we can go to another document.  This is the
    36        'operation manual sales and marketing section'.  I do not
    37        know if it was put into the operations manual file.  It was
    38        the new material which we asked to be disclosed.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Which bundle is it?
    42   MR. MORRIS:  It is a small, thin pink file.  It is probably in
    43        the teams.
    45   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Ten, Mr. Riley has shown me.
    47   MR. MORRIS:  It should say 'operations manual'.
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  'Operations manual', my Lord, is volume 2.  I am
    50        not sure the additional bit is in 10. 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  Pages 636 of the actual manual, and 323, 322 
    53        onwards, of the bundle.
    55   MR. JUSTICE BELL: My bundle only goes up to--
    57   MR. RAMPTON:  No, my Lord, it is not there.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  10A, Mr. Riley says, has the 'operation
    60        manual 1990 to '91'.

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