Day 260 - 11 Jun 96 - Page 05

     1   MR. HALL:  I do have a list of authorities on waiver of
     2        privilege.
     4   MR. RAMPTON:  That is right.  Thank you.
     6   MR. RAMPTON:  The other thing is this:  like your Lordship, I am
     7        anxious to get on with Mr. Bishop.  I have not, because
     8        I have only just been given Mr. Hall's skeleton argument --
     9        no criticism of him of course -- I have not got those
    10        authorities here in court.  I want to go and have a look at
    11        the question of dominant purpose, in the light of what he
    12        says.  I would also like the opportunity of looking back at
    13        Mr. Nicholson's and Mr. Preston's evidence.  Though I think
    14        in large part the question dominant purpose is an objective
    15        one, nevertheless, it is only to an extent that that can be
    16        so, because it depends on the facts of each case.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I suggest we get on with Mr. Bishop's
    19        evidence.  If we grind to a halt, we will take stock of the
    20        position.
    22   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.
    24   MS. STEEL:   Can I just ask a question, which is that it seems
    25        to me from the legal authorities that Mr. Rampton referred
    26        us to the other day, that it is clear as day that if
    27        privilege is waived on a document, it is waived on the
    28        whole document; and if Mr. Rampton would agree that that is
    29        the case, then it is going to save arguing that.  I mean,
    30        it says that in the White Book and it says that in a number
    31        of the cases that have been referred to.  So, that will
    32        save time in terms of where there is an actual document
    33        where privilege has been waived, but parts have been
    34        blanked out.
    36   MR. RAMPTON:  No, my Lord.  Again, that is not right, if one
    37        reads Greater Insurances (?).  It is only so if various
    38        parts of the documents are all connected to the same
    39        topic.  If they are not, no.  It is several, in effect,
    40        into more than one document, then the other bits are not
    41        relevant and are not disclosable.
    43   MS. STEEL:   The topic is the events of what went on at the
    44        meetings, which is what the -----
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will obviously have to hear argument about
    47        that, as to whether it fell into the category that
    48        Mr. Rampton says it does or which you say it does.  But
    49        I am not going to preempt the argument, as you have the
    50        benefit of Mr. Hall's assistance.  I will hear the argument 
    51        in the usual form and at the appropriate time.  Yes. 
    52        Mr. Bishop. 
    54                        BRIAN BISHOP, recalled
    55            Cross-examination by the Defendants, continued
    57   MS. STEEL:   Are you still working for Kings Investigation
    58        Bureau?
    59        A.  I was, at the time of attending the meetings, working
    60        in a self-employed basis, freelance, and I still work in

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