Day 260 - 11 Jun 96 - Page 07
1 Q. Not Mr. Gravett, or Mr. Clarke, or Mr. O'Farrell, who were
2 the other Defendants?
3 A. Mr. Clarke and Mr. O'Farrell I was not given
4 descriptions of, to the best of my knowledge. I may have
5 been given a description of Mr. Gravett, but over this time
6 I cannot recall.
8 Q. Anything else?
9 A. Please expand.
11 Q. Sorry?
12 A. I am not quite sure what you mean.
14 Q. Were you given any other instructions?
15 A. No. My instructions were, as I have said, to observe
16 what happened and report on what happened.
18 Q. Were you shown any photographs of people who might be
19 attending the meetings, or anything to do with -----
20 A. No. I have never been shown any photographs, except
21 after my involvement with the case ended.
23 Q. So, you were not told that the inquiry was about
24 McDonald's?
25 A. No. This is normal practice for freelance
26 investigators.
28 Q. Why?
29 A. Commercial considerations, I would imagine.
31 Q. Were you told anything about the nature of the group?
32 A. I was led to believe at the time, or I assumed at the
33 time, that the group's activities were in the realm of
34 being animal rights supporters; and, in fact, I have always
35 referred to this case as the animal rights case. That is
36 what I thought I was looking at, initially.
38 Q. You cannot remember what they said to you?
39 A. Who?
41 Q. Who was it from Kings who -----
42 A. Mr. Hartley.
44 Q. Mr. Hartley. Right. What did he say to you about what the
45 nature of the group was?
46 A. He did not. He said that this group is populated by
47 some animal rights supporters, and it is necessary to find
48 out what is being said at their meetings.
50 Q. Did he ask you about -- I will deal with that later. You
51 were not told to look out for any specific leaflet?
52 A. No, I was not.
54 Q. No?
55 A. No.
57 Q. Right. Did you ever become aware that the inquiry was
58 about a specific leaflet?
59 A. I did not become aware that the inquiry was about a
60 specific leaflet. I became aware that the inquiry was in