Day 275 - 08 Jul 96 - Page 13

     1             Then there would be a section where anybody could
     2        bring up any major subject that they wanted to bring up.
     3        For example, the IMF campaign, or the borders campaign or
     4        the fayre or something like that.  Then the final item on
     5        the agenda would be coming events where people could bring
     6        up any coming event that was happening in the next month or
     7        so, whether or not it was organised by London Greenpeace.
     8        And then the agenda would be pinned up on the wall or left
     9        in the middle of the room, and it would be gone through one
    10        by one and there was not any Chair.  Anybody could say,
    11        "Come on, let's move on to the next item".  There was no
    12        formal control about who could speak or when they could
    13        speak.  People just got on with what was on the agenda.
    15             "At the meetings at Endsleigh Street it was slightly
    16        more formal sometimes.  If there was a public speaker from
    17        another organisation then there might be somebody who would
    18        introduce the speaker and maybe get the meeting going.  But
    19        even so, in my experience, there was never anyone saying
    20        when anybody could and could not speak.  It was just left
    21        up to everybody present to obviously, you know, respect --
    22        you do not butt in on other people, you just say what you
    23        feel you want to say.
    25             "London Greenpeace is an informal, open, collective,
    26        anyone can attend meetings and suggest campaigns or actions
    27        to organise or get involved in, and anybody who wanted to
    28        would join in the discussion and/or campaign.  And I should
    29        add to that that there was no obligation to get involved in
    30        any specific action or campaign, or whatever, discussion.
    31        Nobody had to get involved with anything.  People could
    32        attend and do absolutely nothing if they wanted to.  Some
    33        people would attend and get involved with some campaigns,
    34        other people would attend and get involved with other
    35        campaigns.  In fact, that was one of the reasons why I was
    36        attracted to the group, because a lot of political groups
    37        you do have to agree with everything that the group is
    38        doing, you have to agree with aims and principles, you have
    39        to, you know, take part in whatever the group is
    40        organising, whereas with London Greenpeace it was just
    41        completely informal and you could just get involved in
    42        whatever you wanted.  But if you weren't interested in a
    43        particular campaign you did not have to do anything, did
    44        not have to do anything concerning that campaign, you did
    45        not have to get involved.  If you did want to get involved,
    46        it was up to you to what extent you got involved.
    48             Just going on, I have never, at a meeting or anywhere
    49        else, stated that I assisted with the production and
    50        distribution of the leaflet complained of in this action.
    51        I have never, at a meeting or anywhere else either said or
    52        acknowledged that I, either alone or with others, was
    53        responsible for organising McDonald's fight -- that last
    54        part is in quotes.
    56             I do not think that I had the infiltrators' witness
    57        statements at the time I made this statement.  I think that
    58        this is taken from the pleadings, I am pretty sure about
    59        that.  And the part in quotes is from, I am pretty sure --
    60        is it from the pleadings?  But if it is not then it would

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