Day 291 - 31 Oct 96 - Page 02
1 Thursday, 31st October, 1996
4 MS. STEEL: I just wanted to start with the matter which was
5 raised at the end of yesterday, about the point that the
6 vast majority of all the pork from pigs in this country is
7 from pigs who have been reared inside for their entire
8 lives without any access to the open air or sunshine. You
9 may remember that I said it is a shame McDonald's did not
10 just concede that point at the start because it would have
11 saved a lot of time. Mr. Rampton said that the reason that
12 it had not been conceded was that it was not true of the
13 United States and other parts of the world. You may
14 remember that I said I did not think that that accorded
15 with the evidence that we heard in this court. I do not
16 know on what basis Mr. Rampton made the statement
17 yesterday, but it certainly was not based on the evidence
18 that we have heard in court. I would like to be able to
19 correct the misleading impression that the court may have
20 been left with.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I did not even make a note of it, because I
23 am interested in the evidence, and no doubt you will refer
24 me to what you want to.
26 MS. STEEL: Right.
28 MR. JUSTICE BELL: And Mr. Rampton will. Anyway, you say the
29 evidence is not that most are reared out of doors in the
30 US?
32 MS. STEEL: I will refer to the evidence of Mr. Gonzales who
33 was, I think, as far as I know, the only person who has
34 commented on the way pigs are reared in the US during the
35 course of this trial. There are various references.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just give me the references. Do not tell me
38 what he said.
40 MS. STEEL: On day 66, page 55, in answer to Mr. Rampton's
41 questions, he said that some of them lived in the open air
42 and some of them in -- well, Mr. Rampton called them
43 houses, but in sheds, basically.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you. Please do not look for the
46 actual reference.
48 MS. STEEL: I have a wrong reference here, actually. I have
49 written down the wrong date. (Pause).
51 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What I suggest you do, because I am getting
52 increasingly anxious about the time these submissions are
53 taking, and I think we may have to have a talk next week
54 about scheduling the remainder of the time you have got,
55 and, if need be, I will lay down a schedule saying that you
56 have so many days for this topic and so many days for
57 that. What I suggest you do if a situation like this
58 arises, on the note pad you have there just put 'GG, US
59 pigs, indoor, outdoor', and then at some stage over the
60 weeks leading up to the end of this term you can just give