Day 294 - 05 Nov 96 - Page 03
1 also the counterclaim point that the -----
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have your counterclaim point. Even if I
4 say it is not relevant to the Plaintiffs' claim for libel
5 arising out of what is contained in the leaflet, you say it
6 is relevant to your counterclaim because you say the
7 allegation is that you are lying in the respect set out in
8 the counterclaim, and so on.
10 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have that point.
14 MR. MORRIS: The reason I looked at that again was because on
15 the forest area point that if, as we believe, we have
16 demonstrated you agree that plantation forests are
17 ecologically damaging to the environment when compared to
18 natural forests, then that would be a point which we would
19 certainly pray in aid of the counterclaim matter, whether
20 or not you felt that was the specific reference in the fact
21 sheet, specific interpretation of the fact sheet, because
22 it is related to their packaging using packaging without
23 concern for the environment. And we would specifically say
24 that the fact that all their witnesses stated that
25 McDonald's had no policy on the use of paper, sources of
26 paper, would demonstrate their lack of concern for the
27 environment of their paper packaging; that is one of the
28 considerations. That would indicate whether they had
29 concern or not. So I think I have dealt with that.
33 MR. MORRIS: The other thing was, I did say this before, but
34 there are various levels of collective responsibility that
35 McDonald's must take for the effects of their packaging on
36 the environment. Not just their own pure usage, but the
37 fact that they obviously use their packaging as
38 promotional, for a promotional purpose -- arguably solely
39 for a promotional purpose, but certainly that is part of
40 it -- and that other companies, as they are the market
41 leader and their packaging is used in their advertising,
42 whatever, that the rise of the fast food industry, as we
43 have heard from Professor Ashworth which had been a major
44 contribution to, for example, the environment/index.html">litter problem, but that
45 would also be a major factor in the increased general
46 environmental damage associated with packaging materials,
47 production and disposal, that they have to accept a general
48 collective responsibility for effectively promoting that
49 kind of take away, that kind of disposal packaging, what
50 they call the McDonald's experience, which other companies
51 of course, in order to keep up, have to adopt.
53 The final couple of points. I don't know if I said in my
54 submissions on this, but something that certainly came up
55 in the hearing, the case in general, was the sheer
56 wastefulness of the nature of the packaging. Just the
57 sheer fact that it only has a life of five or -----
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You said it was all this packaging for a few
60 seconds' use.