Day 300 - 14 Nov 96 - Page 03
2 She said that in her view the advertising regulatory bodies
3 should look at the overall cumulative effect of
4 advertising, not just at individual adverts, if you were
5 looking at the role of advertising and its effects on
6 children's diets, and she said that it was clear that
7 advertisers would not advertise unless it was effective in
8 encouraging children to consume their products, that the
9 concern is that the kind of products that children are
10 being encouraged to consume is at odds with the kind of
11 foods that they are being encouraged to consume by
12 nutrition recommendations. That was on day 54, page 9,
13 line 31.
15 Obviously, this is part of the leaflet because the leaflet
16 does make the point that it is not just McDonald's that is
17 the problem; it is the other multi-national companies and
18 other companies, and that McDonald's has an effect on its
19 own but it also contributes to the overall effect of
20 children making negative food choices in terms of
21 nutritional value.
23 She said that the range of foods that are advertised do
24 tend to be processed foods where the processors were able
25 to sell the products at a higher price than the basic food
26 ingredients; and that it was not just the added cost of
27 processing, it was the fact that they could just make more
28 profits from them. That was on day 54, page 9.
30 She said on day 54, page 7, that overall children were
31 getting the message from the advertisements that was very
32 different to the nutritional messages that were being
33 encouraged by government reports and policies as to what
34 constitutes a healthy balanced diet. Obviously, that would
35 apply to McDonald's as well. As well as the advertising in
36 general, it applies specifically to McDonald's.
38 She said that the effects of advertising this limited range
39 of food products was to make fatty and sugary food more
40 attractive and more desirable to children than foods which
41 were not advertised. That was on day 54, page 10, line
42 15.
44 She went on to comment on the video compilation of a number
45 of McDonald's advertisements which McDonald's entered as
46 evidence in the trial. That was on day 54, page 12, line
47 60.
49 She said that the advertisements directed at children
50 tended to focus on fantasy situations or, particularly in
51 relation to Happy Meals, the emphasis was on collectibles.
52 This was rather than the emphasis being on the food. That
53 was page 13, line 22.
55 She said that where the food was shown, it was usually seen
56 inside its packaging, particularly, for example, Happy
57 Meals, where the packaging was designed to be attractive
58 and it was part of what was being bought as well as the
59 food. That was page 13, line 36.