Day 300 - 14 Nov 96 - Page 06
2 She went on to say that the Independent Television
3 Commission's code on advertising states that advertisements
4 should not exploit children's sense of loyalty. She
5 considered that the ronald mcdonald character did play on
6 children's sense of loyalty and in that sense it could be
7 said that he was exploiting their emotions, or the
8 character was exploiting their emotions. She said that
9 presumably the ITC had not judged it unacceptable because
10 it was not done in an overt way, but nevertheless it was
11 being done. That was day 54, page 24, line 22.
13 She was asked about the quote in the operations manual,
14 about using children's love of Ronald to bring children
15 into the store to buy the food or to get their parents to
16 buy them food, and she said it appeared to be a direct
17 exhortation to managers to use children's emotions and
18 their love for Ronald to bring them into the restaurant.
19 She said "I do not think it is ethical". That was day 54,
20 page 26, line 59.
22 Obviously that is something that we agree with; we do not
23 consider it to be ethical. We consider it to be
24 exploitation of children's emotions.
26 In summing up the techniques used by McDonald's in
27 advertising to children, Miss Dibb stated that advertising
28 to children in the McDonald's adverts is significantly
29 different from the advertising to adults, particularly in
30 its use of techniques. She said these are the techniques
31 which tend to have their effects on what could be described
32 as an unconscious level rather than a conscious level and
33 therefore she considered that they could bring with them,
34 or that they brought with them a degree of deception or
35 exploitation, particularly when talking about young
36 children, who do not fully understand the purpose of
37 advertising and whose sense of loyalty, for example, may be
38 being exploited. That was day 54, page 32, line 21.
40 She referred to the document which we were looking at
41 yesterday in pink bundle 7 at tab 13, which showed that
42 McDonald's adverts to children were shown 41 weeks out of
43 52 in 1988. She said that in her experience she would say
44 that that level of advertising is amongst the highest for
45 its regularity. That was on day 54, page 35, line 46.
47 She said that the effect of that was to have a fairly
48 constant reminder to children of McDonald's and to present
49 McDonald's as omnipresent. That was day 54, page 35, line
50 55.
52 In terms of a comparison to other fast food outlets,
53 because I think this was some point that the Plaintiffs
54 were trying to make, she referred to the campaign magazine,
55 which is an advertiser's magazine. There was a chart in
56 there which showed that McDonald's spent 27 million on
57 above-the-line advertisements in 1993 and that it was the
58 second largest brand advertiser, and that the next rival
59 down was Burger King in 79th position who were spending a
60 quarter of what McDonald's spent. They spent 6.5 million.