Day 301 - 15 Nov 96 - Page 07

     1        the facts that are in the document, as far as we
     2        understand, and there are not any facts at all to show or
     3        indicate that me and Helen knew that was not true and that
     4        it is not true.  The only facts, so-called facts, about
     5        that subject -- we are going to come on to the counterclaim
     6        later but while it crosses my mind -- is about how
     7        McDonald's had written to London Greenpeace or us,
     8        whatever, a number of times, which we all know is a load of
     9        rubbish, anyway.
    11        So, on the main what's it like working for McDonald's.
    12        There must be a serious....  This is reading from the fact
    13        sheet.  I am thinking on my feet.  Before I go into the
    14        detail, the context is clearly one, and it has been said
    15        for all the issues, of criticism of the food industry and,
    16        if you like, capitalism in general or multi-national
    17        corporations in general and the profits system in general,
    18        and I think, obviously with this particular section, the
    19        context which is specified as clear as day is the catering
    20        industry as a whole.  It does not really distinguish at all
    21        between McDonald's and the catering industry, which it is
    22        obviously part of.
    24        Again, we would say that there is clearly no obligation on
    25        us to have to show that McDonald's is worse than the rest
    26        of the catering industry, and that general point, of
    27        course, applies to all the sections unless there is
    28        something specifically stated how they are worse in any of
    29        the fact sheets.  All the drift of the fact sheet is to say
    30        that they are part of something that is collectively a
    31        problem at a number of levels.
    33        But having said that, I think we have demonstrated for all
    34        the sections that -- where appropriate, we have
    35        demonstrated that McDonald's has a particular
    36        responsibility because of practices that it has pioneered
    37        or because of its huge influence, or whatever.
    39        It is relevant to this section because, although it does
    40        not actually say that McDonald's is worse than any of the
    41        other chain stores or junk food giants, as it says in the
    42        second part of the section, we can say that evidence in
    43        this case has shown that McDonald's have pioneered certain
    44        practices and, in fact, McDonald's has a reputation for
    45        being a by-word for exploitation of workers and they have
    46        been given the name 'Mcjob'.  These are Mcjobs which we
    47        would say is a by-word for lack of rights, low pay, and
    48        hard work in stressful conditions, or whatever, with no
    49        guaranteed hours, things like that.
    51        We would say that reputation is well deserved by
    52        McDonald's.  So that is a bit of a look at what we feel the
    53        context of this issue is.  They have a reputation for being
    54        anti-union and a reputation for low pay, reputation for
    55        hard work.
    57        Actually, it is quite interesting.  When you look at the
    58        counterclaim, the press release, which is the subject of
    59        the counterclaim, where McDonald's attempt to defend or put
    60        their case on various issues, they do not often deal with

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