Day 305 - 25 Nov 96 - Page 10
2 The other point about this production argument is, as we
3 have already stated, the Plaintiffs have effectively no
4 cause of action on their production pleadings, because
5 there is no cause of action unless there is publication,
6 and they have to show the publication that directly
7 resulted from the production that they claim is inferred or
8 is alluded to in this Haringey affidavit.
10 Obviously, if London Greenpeace produced a fact sheet, then
11 it would have been distributed, because it does not say in
12 the Haringey affidavit what this so-called production
13 entailed. Did it entail photocopying some fact sheets in
14 mid 1990 or in 1986, paying the printers? What did it
15 involve, this (what we say) piece of non-evidence? But,
16 let us assume it carries any weight whatsoever: McDonald's
17 have to show that the production resulted in distribution
18 and the distribution was between the dates that have been
19 specified in the limitation period, which would be from
20 September '87 to the time of the writ; and it was to a
21 member of the public, a third party; and, therefore,
22 publication resulted from that alleged production.
24 We have already said that there is no cause of action for
25 their paragraphs on alleged production; and it is even more
26 clear that there is no cause of action, because the only
27 basis they have got of these paragraphs is this Haringey
28 affidavit -- which is what Mr. Rampton has stated in
29 court -- and in fact it is the only thing that they have to
30 rely on.
32 If it had said, if the basis of their production,
33 production paragraphs in the Statement of Claim, was that
34 I swore an affidavit saying that I had printed the
35 fact sheet in 1987 and 1988, or something, then they may
36 have had some kind of argument. But the affidavit is
37 completely worthless in terms of any indication of what
38 this alleged responsibility and when it took place would
39 be.
41 Of course, that was up to the Plaintiffs. It was decided
42 that they had a right to base a pleading on it, but that
43 does not mean to say they have any evidence; it means they
44 may have been able to get evidence at a later stage in the
45 case, which they singularly failed to do. In fact, the
46 evidence, for example, from Mr. Gravett, who was involved
47 heavily all the way through with the fact sheet, was to the
48 contrary, that Ms. Steel and myself were both not involved
49 in production or, indeed, in distribution.
51 The next point on this fact sheet is, in any event, that
52 the evidence, the only evidence, the unchallengeable
53 evidence, about when the fact sheet was produced was from
54 Mr. Gravett, and his evidence was that it was before the
55 limitation period, September 1987, before September 1987.
56 Unless McDonald's could show some other production, with
57 evidence, that myself and Ms. Steel were responsible for
58 within the limitation period, then, again, there is no
59 cause of action on production; it lies outside the
60 limitation period, whether or not it led to publication and