Day 309 - 03 Dec 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Tuesday, 3rd December, 1996
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I did not feel slightly inhibited about
     4        saying anything at all.  So far as the factual topics are
     5        concerned -- that is to say, the seven topics -- I have put
     6        everything that I want to say into those written
     7        submissions.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes.
    11   MR. RAMPTON:  There are other parts still to come; that is to
    12        say, publication, malice, the counterclaim and damages.
    13        The first three of those I would expect to have -- they are
    14        being typed at the moment, ready for your Lordship either
    15        tomorrow or the next day.  Alternatively, if your Lordship
    16        would prefer it, I have got them here in my mucky
    17        handwriting, I can go through them orally.  That does
    18        strike me something of a waste of your Lordship's time.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have found it helpful to have your
    21        submissions so far in writing.  I have read them.
    22        I confess that Mr. Atkinson's volume on the three
    23        particular stalls I have read through quite quickly.
    25   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have not attempted, at this stage, entirely
    28        to digest all the tables in the other binders, but I have
    29        read those.  The net result is that when I get your
    30        submissions on the other topics, I will have your
    31        submissions in writing; I have effectively got Ms. Steel's
    32        and Mr. Morris's in writing, because I have 1,000 pages or
    33        so of transcript of what they said, and, by the time I sit
    34        down to start writing a judgment, I will have all those
    35        transcripts in front of me as well as my notes to refer to.
    37   MR. RAMPTON:  What it seemed to me -- and I know I am speaking
    38        out of turn, because it is entirely your Lordship's
    39        decision how this should be dealt with -- we are obviously
    40        going to be available, I am not going to go away nor is
    41        Mrs. Brinley-Codd or Mr. Atkinson, at all times until the
    42        end of this term, and what it struck me was your Lordship
    43        has only had four days.  I do not know how fast your
    44        Lordship reads, but to read the whole of that is something
    45        of an achievement, and I had not expected your Lordship
    46        would have digested the calculations, looked at critically
    47        the calculations and the tables, and so on and so forth.
    49        What did occur to me was that perhaps the best thing is --
    50        we are, as I say, available -- if there are points which 
    51        your Lordship would wish to hear argument from me or have 
    52        information about how I have done a particular table, or 
    53        whatever it may be, or points of law, we will come over as
    54        and when.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I have done as I went through them
    57        I have made a note of certain things I would like to ask
    58        you in relation to each topic.  They really follow this
    59        form, having had the benefit of listening to what Ms. Steel
    60        and Mr. Morris have had to say about meaning as well as my

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