Day 313 - 13 Dec 96 - Page 17
1 leaflet produced by McDonald's was to deal with interest
2 resulting from the trial, not as a response to an attack in
3 McLibel support campaign, et cetera, press releases and
4 leaflets.
6 Going on to (I), on page 12, this is the first clear
7 mention of countering our -- that is, mine and Mr. Morris',
8 as they have said on that page.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What date is page 12?
12 MS. STEEL: 28th February 1994.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you.
16 MS. STEEL: This is the first clear mention of countering our
17 press contact, and as far as I can tell it is the only
18 mention of us being in contact with the media in the whole
19 of this. That is, us personally being in contact with the
20 media in the whole of this bundle of documents that were
21 disclosed in relation to this issue. It is only on a one
22 to one basis that it is referred to. It says, in case you
23 have not got it -- have you got it in front of you or not?
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, I will get it out if you want me to.
27 MS. STEEL: It is OK.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am concentrating on your comments at the
30 moment.
32 MS. STEEL: It says, "Agreed to issue Background Briefing to
33 all national media before the start of the trial (legal
34 correspondence wherever possible). 2, number one, ensure
35 they have the facts so that initial articles are not biased
36 (Defendants are holding pre-trial press briefings on one to
37 one basis)."
39 Now, their reference is that the media contact is on a one
40 to one basis and there is no indication that McDonald's
41 considered this to be anything other than as a natural
42 result of media interest in a high profile trial. And also
43 the fact remains that the briefing paper and leaflets had
44 been discussed and effectively planned for some time prior
45 to this in any event.
47 In conclusion, we would say that it is clear that these
48 press releases and leaflets produced by McDonald's were
49 purely and simply a PR exercise to deal with interest from
50 the media and the public sparked by the trial. The
51 documents may have included responses to some of the issues
52 raised in McLibel support campaign press releases et
53 cetera, but that was not the motive for their production.
54 McDonald's motive in producing these press releases and
55 leaflets was to discredit the Defendants and other critics
56 of McDonald's in the PR conflict resulting from the trial,
57 the conflict between their image and the reality, and that
58 being their motive the defence of qualified privilege must
59 fail. As stated before, the fact that a high trial
60 inevitably attracts publicity does not give McDonald's, or