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The Judge's verdict:

(Key quotes from the summary)

McDonald's exploit children through advertising, workers through low pay and are culpably responsible for cruelty to animals.. but the factsheet is libelous!

Justice Bell's two-hour (45 page) summary was presented at the Royal Courts of Justice on Thursday 19th June 1997. The entire 800 page judgement is available here.

Both the defendants and McDonald's held press conferences afterwards. McDonald's press release is available here and the defendants views can be found below.

Defendant say 'judge for yourself' prior to hearing judges opinion The campaigners and supporters verdict:

  • The McLibel Verdit and The Evidence - Definitive analysis of the Judgement
  • Open Letter from the McLibel Two - Helen Steel and Dave Morris; 26th June
  • Post Verdict Press Release- MSC; 20th June
  • Judgement Day Press Release - MSC; 19th June
  • McLibel Verdict backgrounder - MSC; 19th June

    See also - "What's Wrong With McJustice" leaflet (in PDF)
    based on an article by Albert Beale.

    Media frenzy after verdict The media's verdict:

    This list is only a selection. Check out the McLibel media press cutting index or What's new for the most recent additions.

    Helen and Dave exit court after hearing verdict And you?
    Don't let your opinions be formed by the judge's personal opinion or the media spin: the full court transcripts and all the evidence from the case are available on this site so you can judge for yourself. Debating Room
    Got something to say about the trial, the issues that it raises, or about the judges verdict? The McLibel section of the Debating Room is for you.

    If you've been look for a way to send McDonald's your opinions but have been frustrated by their disinterest, look no further - we provide a cheeky feedback form . (Use it while you can, it won't work for long!).

    See also: