: > Do you honestly believe people are interested in your endless ramblings?
: > This is a McDonald's website, and let me assure you McDonald's is in no way
: > related to the bible. McDonald's has written it's own bible, and to many
: > people, McDonald's is GOD. (i'm not kidding): Everett Citizen:
: You must not have read far enough, JC NOT. Here, for your convenience, is a quote from a prior posting:
: "Let's not forget, Mike Bacon brought up the Jesus thing, so I responded with some things to make him think. That is what debating boards like this are for! I am not judging anyone, as your title seems to imply, only stimulating debate and thought."
: I am not pushing Jesus or the Bible, just debating the merits/demerits of the capitalist system. This area is designated, "anything else," so if you don't wish to read it, SKIP OVER IT!!!
: Mike, The Everett Citizen
Enough already. Using Christian mythology to justify eating meat is absurd. Someone wrote some parables long ago that included people eating fish and you take that to mean we're meant to eat meat?