: Well again it's my understanding that Jesus ate meat while He was here on the planet, so it can't be that much of a problem.*sigh*
I last heard this at school - "X did it, so it's alright if I do it". You might as well say that, because Josef Mengele ate meat, no-one should ever touch the stuff again. The statement is absurd.
To boot, it only carries any force at all if you belong to a minority religious sect. You might as well say that everyone should smoke dope because Jah Rastafari did. Or have 13 wives because Mohammed did.
: And human life is equal to or even less in hierarchy to monkeys and rats? I don't think so!!!
Don't you? Can you provide _any_ independent proof that we are more "important" than bacteria or slime moulds?
(by "independent", I mean anything that doesn't come from human-produced religious works, as these are unsound and biased towards humanity).
In fact, the world would miss bacteria a great deal more than it will miss us, as we are just another high-end predator, whereas bacteria fulfil one of the foundation stones of the ecological balance. Without bacteria, dead tissue would not be recycled into the ground, with the result that the world would run out of nutrients very quickly.
Flowers may be very pretty, but it's the roots that keep the plant alive.