: Mike Sprout, I've got to hand it to you! You have said some pretty funny things, but this scenario is by far the funniest. Are you sure you are not one of us?- Gee, I hope not. I think its more likely your closer to me than you think. I think Sprout has been misunderstood by many here. One of these days I'm going to get ambitious and post more details about Sprout and the Sprout philosopphy for my many fans
: P.S. I just found this thread, there must have been a conspiracy to keep me from seeing it ;)
- Yes, we wanted to keep one board free of your "agitator" quote!
: P.P.S.
: Can I come in (from my soapbox) and use the bathroom?
- I'm sure Fassbinder would be happy to take your place for a minute, but we wouldn't want you to degrade yourself by using the facicilities at an evil money-grubbing multinational capitalist busineess like McDonald's. Besides, wouldn't that be bad for the environment?