- Anything Else -
Come back when you can, and good luck!
Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on December 08, 1997 at 00:01:40:
In Reply to: Why Sprout dosen't always respond (and won't be in the future) posted by Mike Sprout on December 07, 1997 at 11:58:18:
I hope your investments turn around positive for you...hopefully someday you'll be able to get a nice Pentium (or better) that has SOUND, and other niceties (God I wish I could! I only have 4MB too!).Maybe someday AOL will get its SHIT together?!!! As for extended warranties, I got the next best thing, a powertrain warranty that goes to 60,000 miles (but is still limited to 3 years). Would have liked to get the premium warranty, but that would mean higher payments. I'm not worried. The '92 Tempo coupe I had was still running great at 116,000 miles-plus (but it was showing its age in other ways). Again, best of luck, and a speedy economic recovery for you and your family.
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