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Which city is best in the world?
Posted by: Mike Sprout ( nowobblywobblyideashere, Even prouder Canadian ) on December 10, 1997 at 03:12:42:
Here's a statistic for the Canada bashers out there. From a report by Corporate Resources Group, ranking 192 of the world's largest cities for quality of life, taking into account 42 factors. The top 3 :Vancouver, Auckland, and Toronto. Two of the top three aint bad. And before someone starts spouting about government statistics, be advised that this was a BRITISH study. For contributers to the capitalism+alternatives section, please be advised that just because I am unalbe to respond to the many posts posted in response to mine, posts mentioning me, or posts discussing my ideas, does NOT mean I am admitting defeat. I don't think anyone else gets as many posts directed at them as me.
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