Just to focus the piercing beam of HypocriSpotlight onto the private lives of Vegans / Animal RightsÆ Activists (V/A) for a moment...
To wit: are these people as ethically and morally correct as they would have us believe?After all, a V/A man or woman who has Æunsafe sexÆ could easily be transmitting the AIDS virus to another person, leading to the untold suffering and death of an unknown number of human beings.
This same V/A man or woman could also be creating a baby, which assuming it isnÆt aborted, may lead the miserable life of an unwanted child.
These are people who believe that eating a meat sandwich is fundamentally wrong because of the suffering it has caused to a farm animal, yet their own fleshly ÆsandwichesÆ can lead to the suffering and death of members of the most important species on the planet.
Or are human lives less valuable than those of pigs, cows, and chickens?