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Don't mourn, but organize!

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on December 06, 1997 at 02:09:52:

In Reply to: Re: No scabs in solidarity posted by Gerard, Socialist Citizen on December 03, 1997 at 18:03:33:

IWW poet and songster Joe Hill, on the eve of his execution by the state of Utah, was reported to say, "Don't waste any time mourning, organize!" The quote has been reprinted in a couple of variations, but the essense was clear: organize, and don't let the personal threats stop you.

: You see even if the whole U.S. was organised they could bring in other nationals to take their place or as they are increasingly doing move to the third world (which I think is of their creating).

The IWW is a truly international organization, with members the world over. Additionally, there are folks in other organizations who have similar beliefs. So don't confuse it with the protectionist american labor organizations designed to make bucks for the boss and bigger crums for the loyal employees, while the rest of the world goes hungry!

: Yes indeed if your organisation was successful it could be the only requirement for revolution but at present it serves to create satisfaction rather than anger with the sys.

I personally don't know any IWW's who are satisfied with the current system. Maybe you are thinking of another group?

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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