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Socialism, justice and so on

Posted by: Simon Kongshoj ( United Threats to Democracy, Denmark ) on December 06, 1997 at 18:30:12:

In Reply to: you're making more sense than me posted by Comrad Zeus on December 06, 1997 at 02:11:18:

> So you say that society makes people evil? Well, ok, but how you stop the
> society from being evil? I mean you cannot sit there and tell me that all 6.0
> billion people in the world can change IN ANY GIVE TIME to be ALLL GOOD every
> single one of them??? That is just way imposible I think... if not I would
> like to hear what you think.

Agreed. The entire world cannot change to become 'all good' and to agree. But no socialist expect them to either. What socialism must make possible is a world where profit takes a less important role, or as Marx said 'from each according to ability, to each according to necessity'. Socialism must stop the exploitation of the poor by the rich, and stop the exploitation and destruction of nature in the holy name of the Dollar. In a society where we produce out of need and not out of profit, the selfishness which causes people to be ruthlessly competitive will not exist in the degree it does today. Think about it, in a society where ruthlessness is neither condoned nor required, will it appear in the degree we have it now?

> Like for example there are people who just grow up in your ideal socialist
> world and lets sya they do not agree.... what will happen to those.. they
> would probably convey mane people to think the way they do...

If they are able to show, with concrete facts that socialism has gone off the track and does not work like it is intended, well.... I wouldn't have anything against them. In socialism, there must be the right to express what you feel and think, even if you do not agree with society. Otherwise it would degenerate into becoming a totalitarian rule like the USSR and China. So the people who disagree are in actuality just as required as those who agree, or society would become stiff and inflexible.

> also you never answered my question/satement, where is the court in socialism?
> How would it work (I mean to juditial system)? Also you cannot have all the
> people agree on one thing... like I said I wil say again... if you have a
> government where the people are in control (full control) then there would be
> 6.0 billion ideas cashing together to cause caos!!!! How in the hell are you
> planning on controlling this?

Again, that is if you are talking anarchic socialism. In archic (state-socialism) socialism, there is a state-controlled court system, in some anarchic ideologies (non-state socialism) there is the ideal that anyone who infringes upon the freedom of others will be charged by the collective and tried in a court set up for that purpose, by the collective. Anarchy does not mean 'no laws', it means 'no ruler'.

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