The reason why so many rightwingers get emotionally violent when anybody else tries to discuss current agendas of the corporatists is basically fear.I'll quote someone whp told me that" The reason why they're so emotional is that is their religion that your are disputing, not just economics or politics.These people believe, at the core of their souls, that the individual is everything and that if you make it in this world you did it on your own entirely of your own accord, and if you fail, it is entirely your own fault. Their world view is extremely black-and-white and they justify everything they do unto others with that belief system.
So if you begin to question why there are rich, lazy people in the world and lots of poor people who work very hard, they start to freak out... their whole world view starts to become undone and they become as emotional as a group that has just had its sacred religious dogma put under the microscope."
That basically is my opinion also and that has happened after years of being in that sort of authoritarian lifestyle. Sprout matches what Erich Fromm termed a "marketing personality". A personality type that has arisen in this century that wasn't nearly as prevalent in past ages. He and his kind have been shot down in flames on this board and others (the IWW Board) and to tell you the truth , I don't envy them.
It's a hard crash and now that Sprout has admitted that he incurred huge losses on the VSE (Vancouver Stock Exchange) he has even further destroyed his credibility as a pro-capitalist pundit. Anybody who even has a smidgeon of financial knowledge would know better than to get involved on the VSE. One guy has already posted to Sprout on that subject and it speaks volumes.So as far as being a capitalist goes Sprout is an example of how not to be a capitalist. Many management courses teach this stuff that is basically a feed-in to delusional thinking.
My posting entitled "at the Altar of Capitalism" has a link to an essay that really touches on the subject of the religion Mike Sprout and others preach. It also amazing how many of these folks calling themselves "capitalists" really don't know what a capitalist is. I mean you can't work at McDonald's for minimum wage and be a "capitalist" as so many of these rightwingers seem to believe. But that's the absurdity we run into so much nowadays.There's even a fundamentalist (Christian?) that I argued with who claimed to have "libertarian beliefs" and asked me what points about that belief I felt were incompatible with Christianity. Well, geez! Ain't cognitive impairment wonderful?