On this board, their are obviously a number of people who are argueing against capitalism. Often this debate has been dominated by differnet ideologys argueing over what are often obscure theoretical points or defending outdated, indefensible political theorys (e.g. Leninism). Yet at the same time this page is set up to discuss capitalism and its ALTERNATIVES yet little discussion is put on achieing its alternatives. I have found a copy of what is potentialy the last issue of class war online. I feel that everyone here who seriously wants to discuss alternatives to capitalism here, should read it and at least state an opinion on the issues that are raised by it. Even if you are defender of capitalism maybe you should read it, after all aren't the whole anti McDonalds issues effected?
Finally as a final thought I'll leave you with this quote:
'Let ten people meet who are resolved on the lightening of violence rather than the agony of survival; From this moment on despair ends and survival begin. Despair is the infantile disorder of the revolutionaries of everyday life.'
Raoul Vaniegem 'The Revoluiton of Everyday Life.' P.32 1992 Rebel Press