William, my dear chap,Thank you very much indeed for your kind response. Anything that you find good in me is from the Lord Jesus Christ. To be quite frank, I am as big a sinner as has ever walked this earth. Only through God can I give any true love to my fellow man. I hope that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will Bless you abundantly today.
Jesus was indeed man. He walked, talked, suffered, and felt the same things as you and I. However, He was also God, therefore He (and He alone in all of history) had God's POWER. Any change that He made was the change that only God could make. None of us could ever (on our own) try to "change" the world. In fact, we've tried in many places and in many times, and in many ways, and the only lesson here is that man is totally inadequate. He makes a total mess out of things.
The first change of anyone must come from God, if it is indeed going to be good. Salvation in Jesus Christ is what changes a person. God's annoiting of the Holy Spirit allows a person to rebuke evil and change his ways. But, again, it is not of ourselves.
As for Moses, Buddha, Ghandi, or Martin Luther King, none of them can stand before God on his own merit. Buddha said at the end of his life, "I am still searching for the truth". Jesus said I AM the Truth. In fact He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me." In other words everyone, is in need of salvation no matter how great his public image is, or how many good things he has done, or how much change he is bringing on. Good doesn't get it. Only the saving Blood of Jesus Christ does.
May I pray for you? Dear Heavenly Father, Thank for this opportunity to speak with William. I beseech thee Lord to capture him into your Heavenly Kingdom so that he will share in Your Blessed Son's joy. In Jesus' Name I pray this, Amen.
"But seek first his kingdon and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33