: Could you use taxing to create a halfway-house between :'equal-pay-for-all' and the current system? What effects would this :have?Why would you ever ever ever want such a system. Why do you want everyone to be the same when everyday experience does not bear this out. Why attack nature. If nature wanted us all to be the same then we would be. How can we "celebrate diversity" yet be treated all the same. I for one, do not want to be treated the same as everyone else. We all have our own talents and gifts. Those gifted in one area should not be held to some "average". More over those without natural gifts should be able to feel the motivation to reach for the stars not the "average". Great people have always strived to be GREAT not average.
I want my work to be measured and paid what it is worth. Where is my incentive to do anything more then what I have to do if you take away the rewards of success? If there is a ceiling people will only work to that level. Once again it sounds like the cry's of the jealous and the lazy.