: : You should not dismiss ideas completely because of their failure in :past programs they all have some relevence and rejecting them leds to :nothing more than division.: This comming from the main source of complaining. You dont want people to complain about your ideas. This seems very funny, but Im sure you have an answer for this, you always do.
Your right I do! Constructive criticism I will be constantly in favour of, after all we (the 'commies') are being constructive in our criticism we are saying capitalism is miserable and cerates problems but it can be changed and we are putting forward an alternative.
Whereas you merely dismiss our arguments, accept capitalism and advance no change which could be progressive.
: Lets discuss failure, not one, not two, but multiple failures. In Nicaragua they voted them out. When do you stop hitting your thumb with a hammer, once you've found that it hurts?
Some people ignore failure, it is you who are hitting your thumb friend, what good did it do them 'voting them out?'