: How is it that you have become sole possesor of the facts? If it seems that everyone else in the world is heading in the opposite direction as you, then there might be a good possibility that you are the one that is wrong.Why are you so sure that I stand alone, I think friend you may have a shock when it comes to a mass of furious workers or disillusioned middle classes demanding change.
I will admit that I do seem to be in sole possession of the facts but that is because marxists and other left political trends speak a strange obscure language that normal people definitly wouldnt be interested in. I got interested and then I researched it be in the know.
It doesnt matter if your in the know however because as Marcuse said when people demonstrate agianst the status quo they're action is revolutionary even if their conciousness is not.
If you havent realised I'm not the only lefty on this page, just teh only one that will listen to your boring arguemnts which incidentally I've heard before.