: This posting is not intended for all those who are happy in their postitions of permanent subordination to corporate fat cats, they can just fuck off now.: What I'd really like to see in this page is the real citizens such as Mike (the everret citizen), Comrade Green, Samuel J. Fuss. and Quintex design a set of measures or a definitive form of organisation that would be more effective than capitalism.
: Then we could all use any means necessary to introduce these revolutionary ideas into reality. In our nations and then the world.
: For to long the rightwingers have shot holes in our defense of alternatives because we have displayed a distinct lack of organisation.
: That is all.
: CHEERS COMRADES (the reast can just get lost and concern themselves with shit like animal rights)
I would like socialism.. true socialism... perhaps we need a WWIII for this or maybe people can fall into it I do not know.. but I belive the world needs to unite, money needs to be abolished and people need to learn how to me non-human! I want it sooo much yet I am sooo frustrated over the fact that I cannot visualise it being because of all these damned capiatists!!! We need, I think, go with the island theory, we socialists have to get together put our damn money together buy an island (of course make a big media frenzi out of it) and show the world thatsocialism and communism works damn it! We neeed to be pioneers! That is the only way I can visualize a revolution. But we will need a lot links in high places and a lot of people who agree on the same thing, we need 100% marxists and people who are very very very peacful! Otherwise its gonna loook like 1917 all over again and we don't want that!!! If we fail I will gladly wear a t-shirt that says communism sucks and you know all the other stuff but 'till that day I am for it 100%... now comrades I need to hear your imput!