I'll accept that corruption is an inherent human weakness and it'll always be problem but the rain can cause floods that destroy crops it doesnt mean the farmer wont plant the crops anyway.I dont really know why you sought to use an example of our oh so good holyer than thou fore fathers I'll put this down to petty nationalism. Do you not accept that people can share common principles based on humanity not religion.
However I will state that I think corruption is a natural outgrowth of individualism under the systems of communism you stated the rulers shared no common bonds with the citizens and therefore continued to think as individuals.
Communism is a drive towards collectivism and the destruction of selfish mindsets not systems of wealth redistribution or alternative government.
Glad to have you here Cara you need opposition to remind you how powerful the corporate agents of mind control are.
GERARD (not the derogatory Gerald which is anglo-saxon meaning spear-ruler I would never wish to be a ruler, where as Gerard means Spear-Hard reflecting how hard I'm gonna work against capitalist brain washing.)