- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Rocky replies to most of the above

Posted by: Martha ( USA ) on December 21, 1997 at 20:09:36:

In Reply to: Rocky replies to most of the above posted by Rocky on December 19, 1997 at 05:23:45:

: Perhaps the term æCapitalismÆ is a misnomer; maybe it should be thought of (since Cap+Alt is a domain of æismsÆ) as æMeritocracismÆ, a principle that underlies almost everything right down to the basics of Evolution and Mother Nature i.e. Æthe survival of the fittestÆ.

Your use of the word "meritocracy" is wrong.

A meritocracy is still subject to what the practitioners consider meritable. The defense of capitalism lies in social darwinism. It is the survival of the greediest. I don't like transacting business with other humans from either side of the equation when the underlying principal is that I will try to get the most from my counterpart while giving the least. I don't see bankrupting others (which is the ultimate successful transaction in a capitalist model) as a worthy goal no matter what the transaction.

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