- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Capitalism is EASY because its not democratic

Posted by: Andy Gianniotis ( Democratic Socialist Party, Australia ) on January 26, 1997 at 15:46:55:

In Reply to: CAPITALISM, YEAH!!!! posted by Chris Wilson on November 13, 1996 at 23:32:34:

It's sad what people base their opinions on. They read a newspaper and
presto! they know everything. You un-humble person you.

If you want to find out about these systems, you need to ask someone
who supports these systems and THEN make your mind up. 4 years ago I
thought Communism = Russia. Man was I ignorant.

Socialsim & Communism are social organisational paths that
WILL TAKE A LOT OF HARD WORK to accomplish. Democracy is HARD!
Dictatorships & Totalitarianism are EASY. Is Democarcy having a say
in the running of your country? or is it voting for someone else to
have a say in it? Capitalism is EASY because its not democratic.

Now if there wasn't the evidence that Capitalism is destructive
& exploitative then the Marxists' job would be harder. But if you
don't know what is happening to millions of people around the world
and what is happening to the only planet we have (like we have a spare
one somewhere) then CHANGE YOUR INFORMATION SOURCE. By definition an
information source that has to SELL to 'stay in business' will sometimes
(read most times) sensationalise the 'story' (and it IS fiction) to sell
more papers. It is perfectly understandable. In Australia, one man
controls 70% of our mainstream print media. (thanks for nothing Rupert).
Now that's scary. Hardly anyone in this country knows the Austrlain Government
is the only one in the world to officially recognise the annexation of
East-Timor by Indonesia resulting in 1/3 the population being wiped out since 1975.

We are a barbaric society. We'd prefer to spend billions of $ on probes to Mars
to find out if there is life there when we can't be bothered to preserve the
life on this planet!

I do not tolerate society, that is why I am a socialist in a world that still
thinks socialism means: less freedom, a lower standard of living, & less democracy.

Now why would I want that?

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