: *** I know of no Capitalist Third World countries. Capitalism includes the freedom of workers to organize and strike. As I have posted many times before, America's foriegn policy has nothing to do with Capitalism. Similar "imperialist" policies have been pursued by nations with all sorts of economic systems. ***EC:
What do you think NAFTA and GATT are about? Boeing has a plant in China. Ever heard of "Most Favored Nation" status? Nike has factories all around the pacific rim, searching for the lowest wages. America's foreign policy has nothing to do with anything EXCEPT capitalsim! The army/marines is nothing more than gangsters for capitalists looking for new markets and/or labor camps.
Places like Patterson NJ and Lawrence MA in the early part of this century were made visible by strikers protesting against the slave wages and unsafe working conditions in the textile industry. So where is the textile industry now? Overseas, in countries where strikes and organizational attemptes are continually thwarted by thugs, supported 100% by uncle sam. Outta sight, outta mind!
: *** An "AFL-Type" Union would never scab. That's why they're so strong. That's why they're called "Unions". ***
If steel workers are out on strike, and automobile workers use scab made steel in the assembly of auto's, you don't see this as scabbing? If teamsters strike UPS, why do other teamsters work overtime for the "competition" and get all the packages delivered while their brothers are walking the picket line? If loggers are on strike, and scabs feed the mills with scab wood, and the workers in the mill cut it into lumber, is this your idea of solidarity?
: *** This is simple propaganda. The "Boss' boss' boss'" squeezes his customers, not his workers. The workers are always free to quit and the customers are free not to buy. ***
With every merger and corporate aqusition, there are fewer choices. Can the unhappy boeing worker quit and work for McDonnel Douglass? Not any more. How about Kimberly-Clark paper mill employee...can he quit and take a job with Scott Paper? No since the buyout (and subsequent layoffs, and bonus to the CEO). This is fantasy, nat.
: *** The Teamsters Union folded their arms this year and won concessions from UPS Corporation. This happens all the time without Socialism. ***
What a great time it would have been for the drivers of Airborne Express, FedEx and all the others to fold their arms and strike, instead of grabbing the immediate (and quickly spent) overtime scabbing their brothers!
Mike, The Everett Citizen