For all budding communist musicians out there, here it is with guitar chords: (G)Arise, ye prisoners of (C)starvation, (Am)arise ye (D)wretched of the (G)Earth
(G)For justice thunders (C)condemnation, a (D7)better world's in (G)birth.
No more (D)tradition's chains shall bind us, (A)arise ye slaves no more in (D)thrall;
The Earth (Hm) shall rise on new (G)foundations, we have been naught, (D)we (A)shall be (D)all.
(G)'Tis the final (C)conflict, (A)let each (D7)stand in their (G)place;
The (G)International (D)Union shall (G)be the (A7)human (G)race!
A beautiful song. Actually it's older than the Paris Commune though, but even more beautiful is the fact that it exists in all European and several Asian languages.