- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: how can this be true of a saviour religion?

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on December 25, 1997 at 00:25:59:

In Reply to: how can this be true of a saviour religion? posted by erskine on December 23, 1997 at 14:22:45:

Erskine, my dear chap,

Thank you for your most kind response. May our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ richly and most abundantly Bless you today. Just an administrative note: Michael was the respondee, and I, Robert was the responder. (No biggee, I often make the same types of mistakes. Cheers.)

You raise some rather challenging issues. Firstly, the definition for the verb to covet: to wish for enviously. I did indeed make a preparatory remark, so as to not generalise against anyone in particular. My apologies to you if your umbrage stems from a personalisation of this statement. That certainly was not my intent here for I truly hope and pray that you will always have joy in your heart.

My point about class-hatred is not that it is the backbone or thrust of the communist movement, but rather that it is an obvious MANIFESTATION of the techniques that it employs. I use this example because it is such a common carnal (sinful) desire and that most people (if not all) can relate to it. You yourself admit to seeing this manifested in the movement. Hatred does indeed extend from envy in many cases, and that is how I analyse the "essential" struggle (or induced conflict of the opposites, dialectic if you will) between haves/have-nots.

Is covetousness limited to communism? Clearly not. There are covetous people within capitalism as well. In fact, it is possible that there are more covetous people within capitalism than within any other ideology. Moreover, covetousness is prevalent in all man-made "isms". (I'll readily admit that I am covetous in my human nature, and that I must pray continually to seek God's righteousness so that He can cleanse me from that most culpable desire. If I were to leave it to a man-made "ism" to repair me, the covetousness would only lead to more envy, and then would lead to more hate, and thusly a vicious cycle of sin.)

Now, God's commandment against covetousness and the perceived "locking-in" of an underclass. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does NOT teach the permanent establishment of an underclass or give modern capitalists an advantage. Did you know that God states that it is illegal to take advantage of one another, and that He REQUIRES the forgiveness of debts? "Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants." Leviticus 25:10 ... "In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to his own property." Leviticus 25:13 ... "If you sell land to one of your countryman or buy any from him, do not take advantage of each other" Leviticus 25:14 ... "he and his children are to be released in the Year of the Jubilee" Leviticus 25:54. (Hardly a capitalist notion, wouldn't you agree?)

Interesting to note, Leviticus 25:10 is written on the American Liberty Bell in Philadelphia as it was a gift to William Penn 50 years (The Jubilee Year) after coming to America, who in England was imprisoned for preaching the free Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Check it out next time you visit there. (Sorry to digress.)

I personally hope and pray for the bankers who heap large onerous debts upon downtrodden peoples, that they reach a Godliness in their heart and indeed forgive them in their debts, or as a minimum, forgive the usury interest charged on the debt. But if they don't, God will deal with them on His terms. (Matthew 19:23,24) His justice is perfect. We do not have to meddle in that. (Luke 12:22-34)

Now, do the rich live lives free of pain? I would argue that the rich may be the most enslaved people on this earth. Does the Royal family find happiness in wealth? Do corporate CEOs find fulfillment in the bottom-line? I don't know for sure, but there is too much evidence to the contrary to support this in the affirmative. (Suicides, burn-out, divorces, drugs, etc.) Their unhappiness most likely stems from their over-dependence upon material possessions and money. Hence, it becomes a liability (an enslavement, if you will) rather than a liberator. I feel rather sorry for these people who depend soley upon ego and money. I pray that they will meet Christ.

As a contrast to the Royals and corporate CEOs, I know of a family with nine children that have a twenty three year old car (junker, if you will) and has adopted a cerebal-palsy child. Do you know that I have never seen an angry or worried moment in these people's live. I'm sure that they have them, but I know that they are few and far between because they always have a smile on their face and a song of praise on their lips. They take time on Monday nights to go to the park and teach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to small children. And you know something, many children have come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result of this Blessing. Who is really enslaved here, this family that can hardly feed itself from week to week, or the wealthy Royals/CEOs? God works miracles in our lives, and the lesson here is that our man-made values cannot be measured against God's values. Man's are woefully inadequate.

Now, is the Bible inherently anti-communist? This is a curious question because just a few letters ago I was chastised by a communist chap who demanded that the Bible was pro-communist. I guess I can't win here. Moreover, just read Ayn Rand and find her adamant anti-theistic rantings (Wow). I kind of enjoy this dichotomy, communists and Ayn Rand together ganging-up on me. I think it is a sign that the Bible is indeed Eternal Truth, since man can't quite seem to get his act together apart from God.

Erskine, may I humbly pray for you? Father God, Hallowed be thy Name. I pray for Erskine that he will come to know you in a personal way. I pray that those oppressing the poor will relieve debts just as you have forgiven our debts. In Jesus Christ, your Holy Name I pray this. Amen.

Erskine, dear friend, have a Blessed day and you do indeed have a Friend in Jesus. Cheers.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Robert M. Mitrocsak

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