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Re: GOD has forespoken of Socialism!

Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:43:20:

In Reply to: GOD has forespoken of Socialism! posted by Comrade Zeus on December 24, 1997 at 05:04:02:

Of course the Bible says quite nearly the opposite of what is
posted here. The ANTI-christ will assume a position of world
authority and commence control of world finacial matters in the
time just prior to the END of the world. The only thing united
about the world at this point will be a hatred of God and any
who would follow Him.

Revelation 13:16-18 is the scripture I'm sure you're looking
for. It is the basis for much speculation as to how one might
implement such a massive undertaking. Your comments seem to be
predicated more from those speculations than by the Biblical
passages which produced them. The passage says the anti-christ
"provides that no one can buy or sell unless they receive the
mark of the beast" Anti-christ is the represenative of the
beast (Satan - not God). Taking the mark is considered a
form of worship of the beast. Could a person have missed the
point by any larger a margin than you did with this simplistic
justification of Socialism? I don't want to put you down. I
just see you as someone who will take the mark if it comes to
that in your lifetime. I hope you won't do that and remember what
the Bible really says.

Current thinking is that we have only just recently entered into a
period of time where it is feasibly possible to implement such a
system. Small electronic chips can be implanted easily which can
store financial data and can be read and written on with sensors.
With prices dropping drastically on electronic stuff, It is not difficult at all to imagine a world-wide implementation of this
idea. I'm not saying it will happen in this way, only that it could
happen in this way - and soon. Imagine if John saw a vision of
someone passing thier hand over a sensor in the grocery store. If
you knew nothing of modern technology, what would you have written
down 2000 years ago? If you want to know what John prophecied
concerning those who take this mark, read Revelation 19:20-21.
It's not good at all. Only a very foolish person indeed would
know what the Bible really had to say on this subject but then
chose to ignore it anyway.

Now you know.

Stuart Gort

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